Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Mary Mcculley – Living Healthy

Mary Mcculley has always made sure to live a very healthy lifestyle. Mary Mcculley likes to live healthy because she wants to live a very long and prosperous life. As a photographer, Mary Mcculley is always spending time outdoors. Mary Mcculley will sometimes be miles away from anyone with her camera when she is working as a photographer. Mary has a waterproof bag for her photography gear in case of a storm. 

Mary Mcculley likes to stay active by finding hobbies that she enjoys that also demand her to be physically active. Mary Mcculley has found that she really enjoys hiking. Mary Mcculley currently lives in the state of Montana. Mary Mcculley knows that she is lucky to live in Montana because it is great for hiking and fly-fishing. Mary Mcculley is an avid fly-fisher. Mary Mcculley truly enjoys hiking because you can either go for a slow and relaxing hike or a fast and intense hike. Mary Mcculley sometimes prefers to look around and admire the natural beauty of Montana’s nature trails when she is hiking. Other times, Mary Mcculley likes to get a workout while she is hiking, so she speeds up her pace. Mary often photographs while hiking.

In addition to hiking, Mary Mcculley spends a lot of time walking around the Sarasota community when she is in Florida. Mary Mcculley likes to go walking with a group of her friends whenever she is not working hard as a photographer. Mary Mcculley has found that walking with friends is much more fun than walking by yourself because you get to talk about stuff. Mary Mcculley likes to go for long walks in the morning because she has found that it is a great way to start the day. Mary came from a family of attorneys or lawyers. Mcculley points out that she does not feel guilty about pursing a profession in photography instead of legal.

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